15 Hours in Poipu
The forecast called for clear skies until noon with clouds to show in the afternoon and lasting overnight. But zero chance of rain. Good conditions I thought for some color in the sky. After closing the gallery I rode home, made some coffee and got my gear together. Without getting too comfortable I fed the cats and drank the coffee, promising myself that I would leave the house by 5:30 pm. I wanted to go to south side location where there was a medium size swell in the water and-- I felt-- a pretty good chance of warm colors in the sky.
The Heritage Trail begins at Shipwrecks beach, next to the Hyatt and leads south to Mahaulepu. It's my favorite place on the south side. Usually it's a sunrise only location (in terms of photography), but I thought today would offer a chance for something unique. And I wanted to go for a walk along the beautiful and rugged south shore coastline.
After meandering along the sandy trails for about 20 minutes I came out to the cliffs and coves of where I would photograph tonight and tomorrow morning. I started high on the cliffs, moved down to one of the hidden coves, only to go high again as the sky began to turn.
I took three lenses and one camera along with me: Canon R5, Canon 28-70 f/2; Zeiss 21mm Milvus; and the Canon 70-200. I used all three, but used the 28-70 the most. That lens is just so good. Feeling a little boxed in-- and with the sky beginning to shine!-- I climbed back up to the cliffs, standing where the fisherman stood earlier in the session (see Splash Before Sunset above). Facing to the southeast, this is what I saw:
And facing the south west, this was the view I was hoping for:
And here is the last photo of the day:
The Last Photo of the Day, Poipu, Kauai Happy, content and wet with surf and sweat I walk back to the car as the sky glows still. Back at the house I feed the cats (again!); shower and open a beer. I decide to go back to the same place again tomorrow morning for sunrise. 4:30 AM wake up. Cats, coffee and I'm out the door by 5. Walk the same trail I've walked many times before. I feel like I know this place so well, but it still surprises me. The best relationships always do.
The sky still shows promise, but not like the day before. A few pink clouds tease me and look for a composition to match the changing light and sky. I choose instead to let the water carry the scene, first like a flower opening in bloom; and second like an avalanche of energy. For these blue hour and long exposure photos I used the Zeiss 21mm Milvus prime lens.
Next, it's time for a few long exposures taken from further along the trail.
One for the Road, Poipu, Kauai This is how I spent 15 hours in Poipu, September 5th-6th, 2023. Aloha, Lee
Terry Pitra(non-registered)
What a stunning 15 hours in beautiful Poipu! Gorgeous photos!
Cheri Mitton(non-registered)
Absolutely love your posts…now I need to go to my Lee Scott hallway and look at your photos hanging on the walls
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